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Reframing Art Consultancy

Transforming Spaces

To meet the needs of our clients who require a full Consultancy service, particularly on larger hospitality projects, we have developed Art Story.

By bringing together expertise from across all areas of our business, along with a growing network of artists collaborators from around the globe, we are able to offer our clients this unique consultancy service package.

Our team understands how to develop artwork that can transform interiors and bring narratives to life. Everything we do is underpinned by in-depth research. By digging deeper and taking the time to explore the design brief, we truly understand the experience that we are helping to create and can find the hidden stories that spark our imaginative thinking.

Imagination and collaboration

We take a leadership role on the concept development, commissioning, presentation and curation of artwork content. Every stage is carefully considered and requires strong project management and construction site knowledge.

We are unusual in that we combine Art Consultancy, Artists, Product Development and Fabrication all under one roof. This reduces the Designer and Client’s overall management time on any given project.

This powerful combination of research and creativity, coupled with our practical expertise and fabrication capabilities, inspires unique interpretations and means we can bring to life ambitious, original art schemes that help spaces talk to the people inside them.

We have a number of high-profile projects in our current work in progress portfolio, including Hard Rock Hotel Madrid, The Intercontinental Hotel in the UAE and Hotel Indigo, Exeter. These projects demonstrate our approach, and define what Art Story is about – transforming spaces through imagination and collaboration.


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We are collaborating with a growing network of artists from around the globe

View artist's portfolios

Get in touch with Art Story

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Hello artists!

We are growing our global artist community. If you are an artist and interested collaborating on future projects, we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch via the contact form and send us your biography and links to your work.

Find out more

If you are interested in exploring the benefits of our Art Story consultancy service for your next project, please complete the contact form or get in touch with our Creative Director, Harry Pass on +44 (0)7970 164599.

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